What is Hajj? ?
pilgrim është një obligim për muslimanin i cili duhet ta kryeje atë të paktën një herë në jetën e tij. Hajj is the fifth major Islamic duty. A Muslim who can perform Hajj must meet the following conditions.
The obligation of Hajj is based on the Qur'anic injunction: "There are clear signs there: the place of Abraham, and who enters it, he is safe. For the sake of Allah, home visit (Kaaba) it is an obligation for one who has the opportunity to travel to it, and who does not believe (he does not visit); Allah is not needed for (the worship they perform) people."
(Ali Imran, 97)
The commandment of Hajj is also based on the hadith of Muhammad (peace be upon him), where it says: "O people, Hajj has been strictly ordered to you, so visit the Kaaba ”.
pilgrim, accordingly, it is a necessary command of Allah Almighty., which every Muslim owes, kur të plotësojë kushtet, perform it once in a lifetime.
It is the duty of every wise Muslim to perform Hajj , of adulthood, free, Rich, sound and secure. By adulthood is meant a mature Muslim who, according to the provisions of Sharia, is obliged to perform certain religious obligations.
The obligation of Hajj enters into force as soon as the Muslim secures a certain surplus of material means., not to be in debt, to have secured housing and family supply during his absence, then provide means for going and coming from Hajj.
The obligation of Hajj starts from the moment when the above-mentioned conditions are met.
The person who is obliged to perform Hajj, but is not fit due to health or age, he is obliged to prepare a dummy - a deputy who will perform the Hajj on his behalf. Bedel will make the intentions for the one who replaces him.