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Russian forces have entered Kharkiv, Russian forces have entered Kharkiv, Russian forces have entered Kharkiv, Russian forces have entered Kharkiv.

Russian forces have entered Kharkiv, Russian forces have entered Kharkiv, Russian forces have entered Kharkiv, 27 Russian forces have entered Kharkiv.

Russian forces have entered Kharkiv, Russian forces have entered Kharkiv, Russian forces have entered Kharkiv.

Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside, Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside.

Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside! Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside. Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside.

Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside 24 Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside.

Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside 25 Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside.

Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside, Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside.

The Kremlin action has sparked outrage and been condemned around the world.

The Kremlin action has sparked outrage and been condemned around the world. /rel

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