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Watermelon juice stimulates the removal of kidney stones

Statistics show that 1 IN 10 people in the world suffer from kidney stones. The main cause of this problem remains the deficient amount of water, followed by eating very salty or sweet foods.

Other causes are lack of physical activity, weight loss surgical interventions, overweight and infections. The risk of kidney stones is high due to the consumption of sugar.

How Kidney Stones Form

Accumulation of a large amount of waste and declining fluid levels in the body, promotes the formation of crystals. The latter combine with other strong masses and form kidney stones. The stones can stay in the kidneys or travel through the urinary tract. If the stones are large, during movement they cause pain.

If they are small, they leave the body painlessly. To prevent the formation of stones, one should drink plenty of water and other fluids. Through the following tips you will be able to avoid the formation of kidney stones.

What to avoid and what to consume

-Avoid foods high in calcium
-Avoid foods high in salt
-Consume fewer animal protein foods
-Do not consume soy, hazelnut, cashew, GROUNDNUTS, almond, black tea and spinach
-Consume lemon. Lemon contains citric acid that dissolves calcium crystals

-Watermelon is good because it stimulates the removal of kidney stones.

-Potassium dissolves kidney stones.
-Drink a glass of water before bed and when you wake up.
-The following fluid according to the instructions of, will come to your aid in the natural treatment of kidney stones. This juice is also recommended for gallstones.

Recipe for juice against kidney and gallstones


*4 watermelon thela without skin
*1 peeled lemon
*1 peeled oranges
*1 apples
*4 ice cubes or a little water as desired

You can add parsley leaves if you wish


Mix all the ingredients in a mixer and drink immediately. The effects of this drink are quick and significant. You can drink this juice every day for about 20 days and repeat for a few months until you notice improvements.

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