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Parental responsibility for children's education

Family relationships play a major role in strengthening and sustaining the bond of family members and have an impact on the child's emotional development and formation..

Emotional atmosphere, mental and physical that the family creates, gives the child serious strength to adapt to himself, family and society. For this reason, the family needs an educational program that ensures its future, making the distribution of roles, responsibilities and obligations only for the child to grow up healthy and capable in the family.
Children are the treasure and the most valuable gift with which Allah rewards parents. To preserve this treasure, through their education, special care should be given to them from the infant stage, to continue into childhood, of education and maturity.
Every parent must take a heavy obligation to carry out this responsibility with honor and seriousness, in addition to this, must feel and appreciate the value of the new being who will become a worthy member of human society, the parent, as her predecessor, he must take care that that society is not corrupted, that the bearers of its future are not degenerate generations, if they are qualified generations with pure qualities, in order to have a society with a healthy vision and high human values, public, patriotic-national. In our time, when everything like
it happens faster "fast time", parental obligations have somewhat faded. Media and entertainment with various computer games are playing a vital role in this. A lack of supervision or letting children navigate various social networks, weakens children's mental immunity even more, who are falling prey to heavy and sad images from these networks.
Therefore, the parent must control the child's behavior, see who you hang out with online, what websites it opens and what it tracks on the web. Ultimately, this is also a responsibility with which Allah has charged him. Parents should convey love to their children, respect and calmness.
"And from the facts (of the majesty of) It is for His own good, He created from your own kind the pair (women), so that you find rest in them and between you created love and mercy. In this there are arguments for thinking people." (Allah the Exalted gave family living a source of tranquility for family members, 21).
For, these properties instill balance in the child, stability and balanced love. "Wealth and children are the ornaments of this world's life, whereas good deeds (whose fruit is eternal) they are the best reward with your Lord and they are the best hope.” (The Kehf, 46). "Allah commands you to (the issue of inheritance) your children." (En-Nisaë,11).
"Mothers, those who want to supplement breastfeeding, are obliged to breastfeed their children for two full years." (El Bekare, 233)
As well, even the Messenger, peace be upon him. added and constantly took care of the children, even inside the prayer. "He a.s. was praying. When he prostrated, Hasan and Hussein jumped on his back. When people tried to stop them both, he motioned to them to leave them alone. When he finished the prayer, took them in his lap and said: "Anyone who loves me, must love these two too". (Ibn Huzayma in his Sahih, me isnad hasen nga Ibn Mes'udi (887), and Bejhekiu in the mursel form).
Children in any nation constitute half of the present and half of the future. And a nation that can afford to build and raise their children in accordance with their goals and aspirations, it is a nation that can defend its presence and control in the future. THEREFORE, scientists advise that the child of the future must be well educated and develop productive skills to adapt to the future world and to withstand rapid changes, either psychological or mental development and external changes, because otherwise he will feel alienated from the new world, where it is possible to fall prey to friends and the future.

Prof.Ass.Dr. Rexhep Suma

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