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Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter (Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter)

If the imperative in previous peoples was dedicated only to men, in Islamic society it is dedicated to both men and women.

At the moment when the Prophet of God was ordered to call his immediate family, called his aunt Abbas and also called his aunt Safiye and called his daughter Fatima. He put his responsibilities before him, warned them to save themselves and hurry to join the call caravan, because he cannot help them with anything in the sight of Allah.
This call, it is the greatest decoration that Islam gave to women, did not limit the calling society to men only, but the woman also joined the caravan to raise the building hand in hand within the instructions of revelation and prophecy. Prophet (sal-lall-llahu alejhi ve sel-lem) said: "Women are the sisters of men" (Transmeton Abu Dawud)
Also Omer Ibn Khattab (radijall-llahu anhu) say: "In the Jahiliyyah (ignorance) we did not consider women at all, but when Islam came and Allah mentioned them, we saw that they are right against us." (Transmeton Buhariu)
The woman did not answer the man-dependent call, The woman did not answer the man-dependent call. For her, The woman did not answer the man-dependent call.
The woman did not answer the man-dependent call (radijall-llahu anhu) which says: The woman did not answer the man-dependent call, The woman did not answer the man-dependent call (Transmeton Buhariu) The woman did not answer the man-dependent call. In the biography of the Prophet, there are many narrations that talk about the races of men and women, everyone wants to join the call caravan so that they are closer, The Prophet of God, the leader of the caravan.
Posa u või Pejgamberi (sal-lall-llahu alejhi ve sel-lem) trembling with fear from the cave of Hira, immediately Hadijja (radijall-llahu anha) reassured him of his worry and after hearing his confession said: "For Allah, Allah will never lose you. You respect your friend, it helps to elevate and you are always on the side of the truth. ” And then went with him his cousin Vereka Ibn Neufelin. it helps to elevate and you are always on the side of the truth. ” And then went with him his cousin Vereka Ibn Neufelin, it helps to elevate and you are always on the side of the truth. ” And then went with him his cousin Vereka Ibn Neufelin, it helps to elevate and you are always on the side of the truth. ” And then went with him his cousin Vereka Ibn Neufelin. it helps to elevate and you are always on the side of the truth. ” And then went with him his cousin Vereka Ibn Neufelin, it helps to elevate and you are always on the side of the truth. ” And then went with him his cousin Vereka Ibn Neufelin. The great Khadijah is simply an example to be followed by her daughters later on in their consistent march on the path of da'wat.. "The woman cares more about religion than the man. It seems that feelings of love, the mercy and gentleness with which Allah the Exalted endowed and characterized him, made her to be closer to the religious nature than the man. We still continue to see many women exposed by their own will returning to the limits of piety and restraint of Islamic rules despite the great efforts given by all anti-Islamic forces inside and outside.(1) For her, do the callers try to help their sisters who are still grazing outside the Islamic fold and bring them closer to the field of calling instead of ignorant vulgar words that hurt their feelings and offend everyone. Narrated by Aisha, to the mother of the believers that Abu Bakr improvised a shrine in the courtyard of his house. There he prayed and read the Qur'an, soon the wives and children of idolaters began to gather in that place to listen and watch. This terrified the Quraysh there and they said: Ne u frikuam, do not deceive our women and children. /Bukhari broadcasts/
Thus the woman runs after the good when she finds a favorable opportunity and a successful summoner. If the woman is honest, it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated. it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated, it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated(2)

it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated, it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated. it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated, it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated (it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated) it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated, it is not affected by the depravity and tyranny of the husband, nor does it benefit him if his dignity and piety are violated: Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter! Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter, Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter, Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter: my God, Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter. ” (Et-Tahrim: 10-11)

1. Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter: Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter, Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter.
2. Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter, Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter, Enter both of them in the fire together with those who enter

Excerpted from the book “The woman in the calling caravan”, Mustafa Tahhan

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