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Message for the Muslim woman


My sister is a Muslim, May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you!

Allahu, azze ue xhel, has praised Muslim women who are believers, patient, and pious and has described them as faithful who guard the secrets which Allah has commanded. Therefore Allah, azze ue xhel,when he described the qualities of the believers he said: “And the Lord answered their prayer: "I will not spare any of you who have done wrong, whether male or female. You are the same (in reward).”(Ali Imran: 195)

My sister is a Muslim, after Allaah honored and ennobled you with this religion and made you a real queen, i want to give her a bouquet of tips, which contains ten tips that resemble beautiful and fragrant roses:

The first tip: The Muslim woman believes that Allah is her Lord and that Muhammad is her messenger and that Islam is her religion.. Traces of her faith are clearly seen in the words, her deeds and thoughts, so she is wary of the wrath of Allah and fears His painful punishment as a result of disobeying His commands.

The second tip: The Muslim woman is careful about praying the five daily prayers with complete submission and ablution at the right time., by not preoccupying him with prayer with anything else, and by not hindering from worship any amusement. The traces of prayer are clearly visible in it, because prayer removes from immorality and evil and is a great fortification from sins.

The third tip: The Muslim woman is careful in wearing the veil and she is honored and ennobled with her dress. It does not appear only that it is covered seeking protection from Allah, azze ue xhel, and giving thanks to Him Who ennobled and protected her by wearing the hijab and wished to purify her. Says the Exalted: “O you Messenger,tell your wives and daughters, as well as the wives of the believers, to release their cover (of the head) around the body. This is the most appropriate way for them to be recognized and not harassed by others. " (El-Ahzab: 59)

The fourth tip: A Muslim woman is careful in submitting to her husband, is gentle with that, has mercy on him, calls him to good and advises him, calms him down, does not raise her voice to him and is not rude to him in speech. It is narrated with a true hadith that the Prophet, sal-lallahu alejhi ue selem, said: "The woman who prays the five daily prayers, fasts Ramadan, protects her honor and respects her husband, enters the Garden of Allah. ”

The fifth tip: A Muslim woman educates her children in submission to Allah, azze ue xhel, nourishes them with true faith and instills in their hearts the love of Allah and His Messenger, sal-lallahu alejhi ue selem, and removes them from sins and ugly morals, says Allah, azze ue xhel:“Oh you, that you believe! Save yourself and your families from the fire, whose fuel is humans and stones. He is overseen by powerful, fierce angels, who never disobey the commands of Allah, but they implement them immediately. ” (Et-Tahrim: 6)

Tip six: A Muslim woman is not alone with a foreign man, is narrated with a true hadith that the Prophet, sal-lallahu alejhi ue selem, said: "A woman is not alone with a man, only that Satan was their third. " Narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidhi, the hadith is true.
For, she does not travel alone without a mahram, does not visit markets and public places just out of necessity covering her body with hijab.

Seventh tip: The Muslim woman does not resemble men in what is special only to men. Says the Prophet, sal-lallahu alejhi ue selem: "May Allah curse those men who resemble women and those women who resemble men." Narrated by Bukhari, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah.
It is also forbidden to resemble disbelievers in what distinguishes them from adornments and images, where the Prophet says, sal-lallahu alejhi ue selem: "Whoever resembles a people is one of them." Narrated by Ahmad and Shaykh al-Albaani says that the hadeeth is true.

Tip eight: The Muslim woman in the ranks of women calls on the religion of Allah, azze ue xhel, with nice words, and visiting her neighbor, and communicating with her Muslim sisters by telephone and the Internet, and distributing Islamic books and tapes. She does what she says and takes care to save herself and her sisters from the punishment of Allah. Prophet, sal-lallahu alejhi ue selem, say: "To be a cause for a man to guide is better for you than to possess a red camel." Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim.

The ninth tip: The Muslim woman guards her heart from doubts and lusts, her eye from haram, her wear of music and embarrassing things, all her limbs from breaking the law of Allah and knows that this is piety. It is narrated that the Prophet, sal-lallahu alejhi ue selem, with a true hadith has said: “Be ashamed of Allah with true shame, who is ashamed of Him with real shame, protects his head and consciousness, the belly and what is in it, and he who remembers old age forgets the pleasures of this world. ". Transmeton Tirmidhiu.

Tip ten: The Muslim woman does not spend her days and nights in vain, saves her time and uses it to the best of her ability. It is not slanderous, word carrier, offensive, and papërqendruar and nei-zhente. Allahu, azze ue xhel, say: "Stay away from those who take their religion as a game and amusement that have been deceived by the life of this world.!”(El-En’am: 70), and tells of a people who lose their lives by spending it in vain: “Kur Ora (of the Hour) come to you suddenly, they will call: "Woe to us!, how much we have been neglected (Hereafter) in Earth life!And they will bear their sins on their backs. Eh, how ugly is that burden!”(El-En’am: 31)

Author: Aid El Karni

From Arabic: Irfan JAHIU

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