What is Rukja?
Rukja is protection, with which he who has difficulty is healed, like one who has fever or epilepsy as well as similar difficulties.[1]
Divided into two parts:
Is for: Prohibited prayers
- They are those who seek help from someone other than Allah, as with jinn or other spiritual things that are contrary to the pure faith and that contradict it, this is the meaning which the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, in his speech "ruqyah, charms, the knots are from Shirk”.[2]
The second: Legitimately permitted ruqyah, with the following conditions:
1 - Not to be ruqyah mixed with shirk:
Auf Ibn Malik al-Ashjai narrates and says: We used to pray in the time of ignorance and we told the Messenger of Allah about it? - Tha: “Tell me how you do ruqyah, does not spoil work, ruqyah is allowed, as long as it does not contain shirk”[3].
2 - Ruqyah should not have shirk, because a Muslim is not allowed to go to sorcerers to ask them for ruqyah, for for this narrations are transmitted, which strictly forbid going to fortune tellers, sorcerers as well as fortune tellers, in the hadith of the Messenger of Allaah-peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, say: “Who goes to the fortune teller and fortune tellerIn another version: “to the magician and believes what he says, he denied what was revealed to Muhammad“.[4]
3 - Ruqyah should be done with clear expressions, understandable, and not from what is not understood, because he is not trusted not to be shirk, therefore what is supposed to be shirk is not allowed to be done, for this reason Ibn Hajar-may Allaah have mercy on him, in "Fet-hul bari" says: All scholars agree that ruqyah is permissible under three conditions:
A - To be done with the words of Allah or with His names and attributes.
B - To do in Arabic or in another language what the meaning is.
C - Believe that ruqyah does not affect personal improvement, but it affects the appointment of Allah the Exalted.[5]
[1] "Nihaje fi garibil - ehadith" , Ibn Ethir 2/254.
[2] Transmeton Muslimi no. 200.
[3] Transmeton Abu Dawud, Ibn Maxheja, imam Ahmad in Musned, The author of the book "Nexhu sedid fi terixhil-en hadith hadsiril Azizi-hamid" says that the hadith is good no.. 59.
[4] The author of the book "Nahju sedid fi tehrixhil-ahadithin tejsiril-azizi Hamid" says that the hadith is correct no.. 150.
[5] “Fet – hul - bari” Ibn Haxheri 10/206.