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Schools in Kosovo are refusing to enroll students with veils

Some students in Kosovo are being denied the right to education due to the fact that they are covered.
This is what the well-known lawyer Arianit Koci is saying, according to which these days when school enrollment has begun, has received some complaints from students who are not being allowed to enroll in schools due to the fact that they are covered,

According to Kocit, this is selective respect for constitutional rights and freedoms in Kosovo.

“Islamic veiling in schools can only be banned by law
This week is the deadline for enrolling students in high schools in Kosovo. With enthusiasm and ardent desire to learn knowledge, many students with their parents, have access to schools to enroll.
STILL, not everyone will be lucky enough to sit on school benches again, because respect for constitutional rights and freedoms in Kosovo, unfortunately finds selective application.
These days, I have been contacted several times by students wearing headscarves. They complain that schools are refusing to enroll them, under the pretext of ostensibly, It is not allowed to study in school with a headscarf.
An administrative instruction of MEST is being cited, to support such unprofessional and humiliating treatment.
Institutions of executive power should engage in preventing further violations of the right to education and the right to manifest the religion of girls in Kosovo, as provided by the Constitution in the articles 38(2) AND 48(2).
These institutions, during the drafting of their bylaws, must fully comply with the provision of Article 55 of the Constitution, according to which “constitutional rights and freedoms can be restricted only by LAW” and not by bylaws such as Administrative Instructions or Government Regulations.
Implementation of the provision of the MEST Administrative Instruction, intended to prohibit the wearing of the headscarf in school, except that they find no support in any law or in our Constitution, raises the question of constitutional supremacy in this country. Is a provision of a sub-legal act more powerful than our Constitution itself?!
The way of dressing is free choice of everyone. The way you dress is also protected by Freedom of Expression, because with clothing, in addition to religious affiliation, we can express the artistic spirit, our character and preferences as individuals.
THEREFORE, let alone daydreams, and lean towards respect for rights, equality and the rule of law. Only in this way can we build a functional and democratic state.”Koci wrote on Facebook.

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