Uji Zem Zem
The Well of Zamzam has a special history, a story which astonishes the curious and adds obedience to God to those who have some faith.
Centuries ago, Hajar demanded, almost, hopelessly water between the Safa and Merua hills to give to her little boy, Ismail (alejhi selam). It was a land through which you had to walk long days and nights to see signs of life, an endless desert. As she ran from place to place to find water, after a while the pool of water came to the surface and by the grace of Allah turned it into a well, which would be called zemzem and which would serve, not only for Hajar and her child, but for millions of pilgrims from all over the world.
Prophet, alejhi selam, said:
“The best water on the earth's surface is Zamzam water. It is food for the hungry and medicine for the sick.”
“Uji and Zemzemit, by the permission of Allah is the fulfiller of that purpose for which it is drunk.”
-By Aisha r.a.. it is narrated that Muhammad, alejhi selam, with Zamzem water he sprinkled the sick and gave them to drink from it.
with Zamzem water he sprinkled the sick and gave them to drink from it, with Zamzem water he sprinkled the sick and gave them to drink from it, said:
with Zamzem water he sprinkled the sick and gave them to drink from it, with Zamzem water he sprinkled the sick and gave them to drink from it, with Zamzem water he sprinkled the sick and gave them to drink from it
with Zamzem water he sprinkled the sick and gave them to drink from it 2000 with Zamzem water he sprinkled the sick and gave them to drink from it. with Zamzem water he sprinkled the sick and gave them to drink from it. Perhaps this is why the water of the heart refreshes the weary pilgrims. For, another good thing about Zamzam water is that it contains fluoride, which have fruitful germicidal action.
For more, laboratory records testified that zemzem water was usable for drinking.
Actually, the more research is done on the water content of Zamzam, man will be so much more surprised and convinced of the miracle of this water that God made a gift to the believers who come from afar for pilgrimage.
The peculiarities of Zamzem water:
- Zamzem water has different tastes in different places.- This water has never been chemically treated, nor has it ever been chlorinated, as is the case with the other waters of the city. There was no sign of plant growth here, which is common in most wells.- The well of Zamzam has never dried up or been polluted since it was reopened by Abdul Muttalib. On the contrary, he has always met his water needs. It has always retained the same salt composition and the same taste, since it exists.
- That this water is drunk, known worldwide, because pilgrims from all over the world visit the Kaaba every year for Hajj and Umrah and have never complained about it. On the contrary, they are always happy with it.
-Zamzem water is considered heavy water (har water) because it is rich in calcium and magnesium. Contemporary scientific research shows that coronary artery disease (heart attacks) in places where people drink heavy water are rare.
-Zamzem water is natural carbonated water as it contains more than 366 mg / 1 bikarbonate.
Ibn Qayyim, May Allah have mercy on him, in the book Zadu-l-Me’ad, said:
"I and others have experienced strange things in curing diseases with Zamzem water.. I am healed by the will of Allah. I have seen people who have lived for almost half a month only with zemzem water, not feeling hungry. ”