Associations help the poor

The engagement of the farmer's daughter

A young man went to ask the farmer for the hand of his beautiful daughter. When he went to his farm, the farmer looked at him and said:
– i am that one, go and stop in that field and I will release three bulls, one after another and you if you catch the tail of one of the three bulls, then my daughter to marry you.
The boy stopped at the field and was waiting for the first bull. The farmer opened the door of the farm and out of it came a large and dangerous bull, where the boy had never seen like him in his life. Out of fear he decided to let her pass and wait for the second bull, which in his opinion, will be better than the first. For this reason, crossed to the other side of the field and allowed the first to cross and exit through the back door of the farm.
The farmer opened the farm door a second time, but the boy remained mad. Before him appeared a very large and very dangerous bull that he had never seen before in his life. Demi u ndal, he began to dig in the ground and the leeches came out of his mouth and he looked at the boy. The boy again had no choice, in addition to seeking the release of the third bull, hopefully it will not be worse than the second. This time too he crossed to the other side and allowed the second bull to pass and exit through the back door of the farm.
The farmer opened the farm door for the third time. This time a smile appeared on the boy's face when he saw the weakest bull in his life. This was the bull perfectly suited to him. Took the appropriate position, He waited for him to approach him, and when he approached him, he jumped on him and reached out to grab his tail., but he was surprised to see that this bull had no tail at all to catch him.

Lesson from this story:

Life is full of opportunities, some of them are easy to reach, and some of them are difficult to achieve. The problem is that we often allow these opportunities to slip away, hoping we will get a better chance, and they go, and we will never be able to turn them back. For this reason, to constantly strive to get the first chances!

From Arabic: Irfan JAHIU

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