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The Albanian Parliament votes to dismiss Ilir Meta from the position of president

The report of the Commission of Inquiry for the dismissal of Ilir Meta from the position of President of Albania is approved.

Speaker of the Assembly, Gramoz Ruci suggests that they voted in favor 104 MPs, 7 ANTI-, 2 abstention and 1 ballot paper was invalid.

Despite the decision of the Assembly, it will be the Constitutional Court that has the final say on whether Ilir Meta has seriously violated the Constitution or not and whether his statements have had consequences.

The Constitutional Court within three months must make a decision to pass the vote of the Assembly in the review session.

This is the second initiative for Ilir Meta in two years, where the parliamentary majority demands his dismissal.

The establishment of this Commission of Inquiry, is not recognized by Meta himself, calling it unconstitutional and illegal. Meta, even though he was summoned, refused to go to any meeting of the Commission.

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