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The number of Muslims in Germany has increased by 900 thousand in 6 last years

As a result of research conducted by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and the German Islamic Conference, it has been found that the number of Muslims has increased for 900 thousand in 6 last years, arriving at 5.3 until 5.6 million people.
The study noted that Muslims in Germany make up 6.4 to 6.7 percent of the country's population.
Although the number of Muslims of Turkish descent is still the largest group of Muslims with about 2.5 million people in Germany, the share of Muslims from Turkey is 45 percent of the total number of Muslims.
It is estimated that about 1.5 millions of other Muslims in Germany come from Arab-speaking countries in the Middle East (19 percent) and North Africa (8 percent).
It is noted that 47 percent of Muslims in Germany are German citizens.

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