Associations help the poor

By God I did not deceive you!

A man walks into a grocery store and asks about the price of a pound of apples and bananas.
The seller says:
Ania Banana is 300 lek and apples is 150 lek…
At that moment a woman who was from the same neighborhood as the seller enters and she asks the price of apples and bananas.
The seller says:
Ania Banana is 150 lek and apples is 50 lek …
The woman says “Elhamdulillah”. and takes from one kilogram of fruit …
Seeing in amazement what the seller is doing, the husband gets angry and tries to argue with the seller. The salesman understands the situation and tells the husband to be patient through the signs and wait until the wife leaves the store…
The seller gives the fruit to the woman and the woman says with joy:
~ Thank God my children will eat fruit.
Then he left and went home …
They both saw how the woman thanked the Lord …
Then the salesman turns to the man and tells him:
. By God I did not deceive you but told you the true price of fruit. This woman has four orphans, she does not get help from anyone, and tries to provide a low-income livelihood. Every time I told him: “You can get everything you want for free in my store” she with her head down left the store without taking anything and never came back. That is why I started giving him cheap prizes to help him and to do at least a few good deeds for my soul..
I have made a deal with God and I want to gain His pleasure … This woman who was here comes once a week and buys food as much as she can. I swear to God who has given us every good thing every time that woman buys something from me, that day I earn more than any other day. I do not understand where the profit of that day comes from, but really that day I come out very satisfied both materially and spiritually.

Ardit Hoxhllaku

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