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Five great benefits, if you eat avocado every day June 9, 2021

Avocados are healthy enough to be part of foods consistently. You can also find them here 5 great benefits if you consume them every day.

Improves Cholesterol

Avocados may have gotten a bad reputation due to their high calorie and fat content but they mostly give you healthy fat. Good fat boosts good HDL cholesterol levels, and lowers bad LDL cholesterol.

Improves Digestion

Half an avocado contains about 5 gram fiber diets (depending on the size). Megan Ware-Diet Doctor, reports that adding avocado to your daily diet can help prevent constipation and maintain a healthy digestion.

Another benefit of this fruit with high Fiber number is that you will feel full longer. Adding avocado slices to the drink, sandwich or salad, you can stay full for up to three hours.

Protects you from diseases and infections

Avocados are a great source of B vitamins, which help prevent diseases and infections. They are also loaded with vitamins C and E., plus natural plant chemicals that can help prevent cancer.
Because they are high in the number of antioxidants, avocados can prevent eye damage.

Better sleep

Avocados are also loaded with magnesium (19.5 milligrams for half an avocado), which experts consider an anti-stress nutrient, says food expert Elise Museles, which enable more comfortable sleep.

Gives shine to your appearance

Bright skin, Bright eyes and shiny hair are the properties that are added by eating this super food. This is due to its fat soluble vitamins and the special fat it possesses.

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