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Have you ever heard of sleep hygiene?

What is sleep hygiene?

Do you ever find yourself staring at the ceiling, wondering if you will fall asleep? Or maybe you wake up thinking it's time to get up, but in fact it is the hour 2 of the morning.

If you need a better sleep, may be the time to consider sleep hygiene - and how your habits may be preventing you from sleeping well.

What is sleep hygiene? Sleep hygiene refers to healthy sleeping habits. Good sleep hygiene is important because of how essential it is to get a good night's sleep for mental and physical health., as well as the overall quality of life.

Daytime behaviors - not just before going to bed - can affect how well you sleep. Food and beverage choices, timetables, evening routine and many other activities play a role in the ability to sleep.

If you do not sleep well, you can take a few steps, both during the day and before you go to bed, to improve sleep.

1. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule: Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day - even on weekends.

2. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine - and do it consistently:
A relaxing bedtime routine helps you relax so you are ready to go to sleep. A consistent routine helps the body realize that it is time to go to bed when you start the routine.

3. Turn off electronic devices before going to bed: Electronic devices, and phones, emit blue light, which can reduce melatonin levels in the body, which controls the sleep cycle / arousal.

4. Exercise regularly.

5. Limit caffeine intake: The effects of caffeine can last 3 until 7 hours after consuming it. This means that an afternoon cup of coffee can keep you awake and alert for much longer than you would like..

6. Make the sleeping environment work for you: A cold room, dark and calm can help you sleep faster and better. It is also very important to make sure you have a mattress, comfortable pillows and sheets.

7. Use the bed only for sleep and sex: If you use the bed to work, to watch movies or just to stay, make it difficult for the brain to recognize sleep time.

8. Go to bed only when you are tired: If you are not tired, avoid lying in bed. Instead, try doing a relaxing activity until you start to feel tired, then lie down.

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