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How to soothe stomach ache with ginger tea

A upset stomach is a condition that affects anyone and can occur at any time of the year, but especially during the winter.

For various reasons ranging from colds to internal problems of the body. What brings all these symptoms together, it is the annoying and unbearable pain that pervades the whole body.

If you feel heartburn, nausea or digestive problems means the stomach is upset. To remove and soothe these pains we show you a very natural and effective way with ginger tea. Follow below how to easily prepare this natural and very soothing tea.

How it helps calm the stomach: Ginger is known as a natural cure for many health problems, where not even the stomach is left out. Rich in vitamin C., amino acide, zinc and potassium, ginger functions as a natural balancer for any problem of your stomach. You can use it when you have mixed, heartburn or persistent digestive problems and pain. In addition to calming the stomach when you feel nauseous, it also has the property of emptying it by stimulating good digestion.. Therefore, you can easily consume it even after meals or during the days when you feel bloated.

How to prepare ginger tea: Choose a kettle where you will boil the water and prepare the tea and fill it with circles 4 glasses of water or 1 liter.Then take a ginger branch around 7-8 cm, peel and cut into thin slices or small squares. If you cut it into small pieces, take care to squeeze them a little so that they release all their aroma and values ​​into the water. Bring the water to a boil over medium heat and then add the pieces of ginger you prepared beforehand.. Let simmer for 5 minutes on medium heat, then lower the heat to low and leave well 5 other minutes.

At the end of the preparation add a spoonful of honey to your tea and mix well. When you see that the tea is ready, remove from heat and serve warm. You can choose to drain it from the ginger pieces or consume it with them. Consume this warm tea whenever you feel stomach problems and do not stop the treatment until you feel better.. If the pain persists for days and is unbearable, it is advisable to consult a specialist doctor.

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