Associations help the poor

Czech recipe:Tullumba


• 9 cup of coffee water, • 1 cup of coffee oil, a pinch of salt, • 7 cup of coffee flour, • 3 cup of coffee starch, • 1 paste dust, • 6 egg yolks, • 1 liter of oil.

The service:

• 1 ½ kg. sugar, • 7 Cl dcl water, • 1 lemon juice, • 1 vanilla sugar, • Once it gets boiling, the syrup boils 7 min. Boil water with a pinch of salt and 1 spoons of oil.

Get away from the fire. Add flour mixed with starch and paste powder. Mix well and return to the heat to fry, until detached from the spoon and container. Once the dough has cooled, beat the eggs one by one, shaking well with a mixer, until a uniform dough is obtained.

A liter of oil is poured into the pot to heat. The prepared dough is filled with the toothed form and through it the balloons are drawn straight into the hot fat.. They are thrown in pieces and fried on all sides, until yellowed to gold. If they fry quickly, lowers the fire a little. Remove from the oil with a perforated spoon and dip straight into the cooled syrup.

Until the latter are fried, the former lie in the sorbets, then leave the sorbet, and folded into a deep container, and this is done until all the dough is consumed. The remaining syrup is poured over the balloons, so that they are completely soaked in the sorbet. Serve with rose syrup, lemonade, bozë etc.. They have a special taste combined with tamoriz.

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